© ABLAS ASTROLOGY - Roland Legrand 2025
443 pages to teach yourself astrology and learn how to do in-depth analysis of any birth chart with stunning accuracy. Nineteen step-by-step easy lessons to understand the influences of the planets according to their positions around the zodiac, to the astrological houses they rule, to the aspects with other elements in the chart, and many more other essential notions. Click to access Amazon US where the book is being sold or find it on the Amazon website in your region Click on either cover picture to read the detailed book content.
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A VERY SPECIAL OFFER Get unlimited access to the videos designed and realised by Roland Legrand to support your study of astrology while reading the lessons in the book. The videos are also included in the ABLAS new format of the astrology course. Click here to benefit from this offer A PDF file containing the sixteen links to watch the videos on YouTube will be emailed to you within 24 to 72 hours.
Teach yourself and practise astrology A book by Roland Legrand © 2021
450 pages to teach yourself astrology and learn how to do in-depth readings of any birth chart with stunning accuracy. Sixteen step-by-step lessons to understand the influences of the planets according to their positions around the zodiac, the astrological Houses they rule, the aspects with other elements in the chart, and many more other essential notions. Click to access Amazon US where the book is being sold or find it on the Amazon website in your region Click on either cover picture to read the table of content.
A VERY SPECIAL OFFER Get unlimited access to the videos designed and realised by Roland Legrand to support your study of astrology while reading the lessons in the book. The videos are all included in the ABLAS new format of the astrology course. Each video link is given below the lesson’s title in the book. Simply copy it into your Internet browser to access the video for free.
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© 2024 ABLAS astrology
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